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Safety at Neste

Two neste refinery workers

Ensuring and improving safety and operational excellence enables us to achieve our strategic targets. Safety has a high importance for us and it is at the core of everything we do.

Safety vision: Creating safety together

At Neste, we are determined to protect people and the environment as well as our operations, assets, information and brand from any harm. Our safety video describes the content and the purpose behind our safety vision: Creating safety together.

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Our way of managing safety performance

Safety is at the core of everything we do at Neste. We manage safety through Neste’s Operations Excellence Management System (OEMS) which consists of OEMS policy and principles. The principles cover e.g., process safety, personal health and safety, environment, product and chemical safety, quality, reliability and efficiency.

Neste's operational excellence policy

We follow and evaluate our safety performance actively with several safety indicators. Read more about our safety performance (pdf).

“At Neste, safety is something we create everyday in our operations and workplaces. Safety and operational improvements go hand in hand and are underpinned by a strong belief in learning from experience”

Håkon Jämsén-Smith, Vice President of Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality

Learning from daily work as well as near miss situations and incidents is an integral part of our continual improvement of safety in the workplaces.

Safe working environment at Neste

Neste is committed to providing a safe work environment for its employees and partners.

Ensuring the uncompromised safety of our people and partners

Our goal is to ensure that all of our employees and partners return home safe each and every day. At Neste, everyone is responsible for safety and has the authority as well as the responsibility to intervene in unsafe practices. Our company culture and values guide us to care, have courage and cooperate. We continuously develop our ability to manage risks and improve safety. 

Life Saving Rules

Following our Life Saving Rules helps prevent serious incidents. In addition to maintaining a safe workplace and management system, we all need to follow our Life Saving Rules. The rules are meant to help our employees and contractors to stop work if it cannot be carried out safely. 

Following our Life Saving Rules helps prevent serious incidents.

Our way of managing contractor safety

Contractors are an integral part of Neste’s value chain. At Neste, we make sure contractors work safely and are aware of any risks related to the work conditions. We investigate all incidents involving contractors working at Neste sites and include them in Neste safety statistics. 

We want our employees and our contractors to prioritize safety. We only work with business partners who comply with all applicable laws and regulations. More information on Neste Supplier Code of Conduct (pdf). 

Process safety at Neste

Process safety is a top priority at Neste to ensure safe conditions to the employees, the environment and assets.

Our process safety aim is to ensure that all hazardous substances and energy within the process are managed safely. We believe that high level process safety management and reliability can be achieved by designing inherently safe processes, ensuring asset integrity and operating plants safely. Our thorough risk analysis practices support us to be well prepared for unexpected process disturbances and emergency situations. By taking care of process safety, we can ensure safe conditions for people and the environment. 

Process Safety Fundamentals

Process Safety Fundamentals are designed to help prevent operational process safety incidents which can have serious consequences for people, the environment and assets. 

Neste Process Safety Fundamentals 2023

The Process Safety Fundamentals are a learning resource especially for front-line workers, supervisors and managers that emphasize existing good practices to manage the hazards and risks of process operations. We apply Process Safety Fundamentals to many areas in our daily work.

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Secure transportation of Neste products and raw materials

Neste has comprehensive transportation safety principles in place including strict safety standards for its suppliers and partners.

We have evaluated the nature and the possible risks of these carefully and have set separate transportation safety principles for road, rail, and marine transportations. These include regular emergency and crisis management drills. 

All transports are taken care of by our audited logistic service providers for whom we set safety targets and monitor their progress regularly. Neste collaborates actively with authorities and rescue services, as well as takes part in salvage, safety, and oil spill recovery exercises.

Road safety

Road transport safety is managed with a multi-level system. Our suppliers commit themselves to complying with our safety instructions and guidelines, as well as regular quality and safety audits. This applies also to terminals rented by Neste. 

In addition to annual inspections, the fleet of our transport suppliers also undergoes a safety inspection (i.e. oil industry’s European Truck Safety Control). The inspection focuses specifically on the chassis and special structures of the tankers.

Rail safety

We own and manage railway terminals in Finland, Tallinn and Riga. We are responsible for the maintenance and usability of the rail tracks we own at the terminals. Our safety management system covers all terminal operations we are responsible for. Our rail transports in Central Europe are handled by local suppliers who comply with the relevant transport legislation and also follow our strict safety standards and guidelines. Safety is our shared responsibility. 

Marine safety

Marine transportation services used by Neste are provided by carefully selected third party vessel managers. These providers are well-versed in the safety regulations and guidelines governing the transportation of chemicals. Neste takes care of the commercial operation of its controlled fleet.

In addition, all seagoing vessels carrying Neste cargo or calling on Neste terminals are assessed against our minimum safety criteria (e.g. continuous Ship Inspection Report Programme (SIRE) inspection history, maximum age restrictions, double hull requirement) and approved by Neste Marine Risk Management, an independent body within Neste. 

Product safety at Neste

Neste is committed to product safety throughout the product life cycle.

Safety is assured throughout the product life cycle

We want to make sure that our products are safe in their intended use throughout their life cycle. Majority of the products we sell are classified as hazardous substances or mixtures. The properties and risks of products we manufacture and sell are carefully evaluated and the safety information is provided to customers and authorities in accordance with the applicable regulatory framework.

Safe chemicals management

Implementing product safety means translating detailed safety regulations into registrations and notifications, safety data sheets and labeling. These are based on combining expertise and cooperation on substance identity, properties and legislation. The regulatory requirements for chemicals are emerging globally and we follow them carefully. Regulatory requirements and change have to be clarified in all countries of operations well in advance and transformed into compliant products and data. 

Safety Data Sheets provide important information to customers

The main ways to provide the safety information to customers are labels and the Safety Data Sheets (SDS). A Safety Data Sheet describes a chemical’s product compliance and safety. It assembles a huge amount of performed work into one document. SDSs of Neste products are available in English here. Other language versions are available for customers.  

More information about our products here.

More information about our product and safety data sheets here.

Email message

Neste's chemical registrations and notifications

Email message

Neste’s Safety data sheets


Our operations are guided by business area-specific certified management systems, which correspond to the requirements of the environmental, health and safety, and quality standards issued by ISO. 

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Neste - leading the way towards a sustainable future

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