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Porvoo refinery

Neste has a refinery in Porvoo, Finland, comprising of four production lines.

Our refinery in Porvoo, Finland is among the most efficient and versatile refineries in Europe and processes crude oil, renewable and recycled raw materials into more than 100 products to customers globally.

Today, the Porvoo refinery has a total production capacity of approximately 12 million tons annually. Besides processing some 10 million tons of crude oil annually for oil products, for example low-sulfur marine fuels, the refinery has been producing renewable products from 100% renewable raw materials in its NEXBTL™ units since 2007.


Total production capacity


End products to customers globally

Porvoo refinery to be gradually transformed into a renewable and circular solutions refining hub

The Porvoo refinery is equipped with rare capabilities – it is one of the most efficient and versatile oil refineries in Europe with the technical expertise and capabilities necessary for a green transition.

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Almost 8 million cubic meters of storage capacity, active harbors and terminals

The Porvoo refinery is located in the Kilpilahti business area, which is one of the most significant hubs for bio and circular economy in the Nordic countries. The Porvoo refinery employs some 1,000 persons. The overground and underground tanks at the Porvoo refinery provide almost 8 million cubic meters of storage capacity for raw materials and end products.

Rotterdam and Singapore refineries

Neste Rotterdam refinery
Rotterdam refinery

Since 2011, Neste has produced renewable products at the Rotterdam refinery in the Netherlands.

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Singapore refinery at night
Singapore refinery

Neste’s Singapore refinery that produces renewable products, started its operations in 2010.

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A child on an adult's shoulders | Neste


Sustainability and safety are an essential part of Neste's business operations, also in our fossil fuel refineries.

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