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IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu and Finnish Minister for Transportation Merja Kyllönen acquainted themselves to shipping in winter at Neste Oil's Porvoo refinery


The Secretary-General Mr. Koji Sekmizu of the International Maritime Organization and the Finnish Minister for Transport Ms. Merja Kyllönen visited Neste Oil's Porvoo refinery and harbor on Thursday 7 March. Their main interest was shipping in winter conditions and the impact of the EU sulphur directive on shipping as well as on refineries.

During the visit the guests had an opportunity to observe the icy conditions on the Baltic see onboard the escort tugboat Ahti. She took the guests out to see tankers Tempera, Stena Poseidon and Kiisla waiting outside the Porvoo harbor. The IMO executive was especially interested in double-acting crude tanker Tempera and her ability to maneuver in ice-covered waters without the help of ice-breakers.

“At Neste Oil we appreciate this visit very much. This was only the second time for Mr. Sekimizu to visit Finland. His organization, operating under the UN, is the highest maritime authority in the world. The voting power in the IMO is with the national Governments, so it was really valuable to be able to share our concerns and ideas simultaneously with the IMO Secretary-General and with our national Minister for Transport”, says Ilkka Poranen, SVP, Production and Logistics in Neste Oil.

Mr Sekimizu wrote a blog post on his impressions immediately after his visit to Neste Oil.

Ms. Merja Kyllönen, Minister of Transport (on the left) and Mr. Koji Sekimizu, IMO Secretary-General (on the right) got acquainted with shipping in winter. The escort tugboat Ahti took the guests to anchor place at Svartbäck where they visited for example Tempera tanker. Neste Oil's Harbour Master Tuumas Mikkola (in the middle) was one of Neste Oil's hosts.

Mr. Koji Sekimizu, IMO Secretary-General, (on the right) listened as Neste Oil's Fleet Manager Jani Huumonen (on the left) explained about the challenges that winter conditions place to shipping.