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Neste Oil to profile renewable diesel produced from German rapeseed oil at Berlin’s International Green Week 21.01.2011

Neste Oil will profile Diesel regenerative, a new diesel fuel produced from 100% renewable inputs together with its German partners at the International Green Week event in Berlin between 21 January and 30 January. The new blend is the outcome of a joint Finnish-German project and contains either 93% or 98% of Neste Oil’s NExBTL renewable diesel and 7% or 2% of conventional FAME-type biodiesel. Both blends are produced from German rapeseed oil.

Diesel regenerative is currently being jointly tested in Coburg, Germany by Volkswagen, Audi, Neste Oil, OMV, the Coburg University of Applied Sciences, the Johan Heinrich von Thünen Institute, and the Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants (UFOP) and the Bavarian Ministry of Environment and Public Health. The trials are focusing on the negative impact traffic has on busy city centers and the benefits that renewable fuel can bring to the urban environment. The main sponsor of the project is the Bavarian Ministry of Environment and Public Health.

Visitors to the Grüne Woche event in Berlin should go to Stand 101 in Hall 4.2 to find out more about Diesel regenerative and the project behind it.