Fuel oils
We offer our customers sulfur-free light fuel oils and high-quality heavy fuel oils for the needs of our customers.

For industrial use - Light fuel oil for industrial heating and other applications.
For agriculture - Fuel for off-road vehicles.
For bunkering - Sulfur-free bunker fuel.
For energy production - Asphaltene, solid fuel
Light fuel oil - clean and reliable quality
We offer our customers high-quality sulfur-free light fuel oils developed to offer clean and reliable performance in the most demanding conditions.
Light fuel oil is a convenient heating fuel used to heat homes as well as industrial buildings. We also supply light fuel oil for off-road vehicles, e.g. harvesters and other farm equipment, as well as vehicles used in mines and other industries. It also makes an ideal reserve and emergency fuel for industrial plants and power stations using other forms of energy. Light fuel oil is also used for bunkering ships.
Benefits of light fuel oil
Convenient and clean – sulfur-free
Excellent cold-weather performance – developed for demanding arctic conditions
Heavy fuel oil - energy for industrial heating and heating plants
Neste Heavy Fuel Oil LS grades are developed to meet the needs of industrial heating and heating plants, and are also suitable for heating greenhouses.
Our high-quality heavy fuel oil products are available in different grades based on customer needs. The basic selection consists of products with various viscosity alternatives, for example Neste Heavy Fuel Oil LS 100, 180 and 420, from which you can easily choose the most suitable and cost-effective product for your needs.
Benefits of heavy fuel oil
Multiple grades - various viscosity alternatives for different needs
Low-sulfur content - 0.1% and 1% sulfur content heavy fuel oils available
Excellent cold-weather performance - developed for demanding arctic conditions
Asphaltene - solid fuel for energy production
Asphaltene is a solid, oil-based product, which is produced as a side stream at Neste's Porvoo Refinery. Pelletized Asphaltene is used for example to replace coal and petroleum coke, e.g. in energy production.
Key benefits of asphaltene, compared to coal
lower CO2 emissions,
good experiences, for instance from the use of asphaltene at power plants,
high heat value, as typical for oil products - about 1.5 times higher compared to coal, and
constant quality.
The CO2 emission factor of asphaltene is about 11% lower compared to coal, visit Statistics Finland for more information.
Can be used as a part of a fuel mix. There are good experiences from the use of asphaltene together with e.g. bio mass.