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Transport truck driving along Highway | Neste

Neste Diesel - you can rely on it

Neste's product offering includes a wide range of low-emission fuels for summer and winter conditions.

Transport truck driving along Highway | Neste

For fleets – We supply a wide range of sulfur-free diesel fuels for use at all times of year.

For dealers and distributors – All diesel fuel supplied by Neste in Finland and the other Nordic countries is free of FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) and sulfur.

Contains no conventional biodiesel

You can rely on Neste diesel fuels year-round. All grades are designed for tough northern conditions – the heat of summer, extreme cold in winter, and anything in between.

How cold can you get?

Neste arctic diesel is our solution for the toughest Nordic conditions, where temperatures can drop very low.

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