Technology for Superior Quality Synthetic Base Oils

Process technology for non-toxic and biodegradable high-grade synthetic base oils
As customers and regulations become more demanding, finding the right way to produce premium base oils can be challenging. Neste’s advanced and proven NEXPAOTM proprietary process technology will give you low-viscosity polyalphaolefins (PAOs) from 1-decene feed.
The use of our unique catalyst system highly selective oligomerization reactions provides you with an output that, after saturation and fractionation, gives your final products excellent low and high temperature properties. This is a commercially fully proven technology for production of top-quality synthetic base oils.
High performance low viscosity synthetic base oils for demanding applications
Our NEXPAO process produces Group IV polyalphaolefins (PAO) 2, 4, 6, and 8 for use in combustion, hybrid and electrical gear and motor oils, long service interval applications such as wind turbines, food and cosmetics industry applications, and much more.
The product has an ultra-high viscosity index with simultaneous outstanding low-temperature properties. All grades are sulfur free and have superior stability making products safe to store and transport. Energy efficiency, conventional catalysts, limited hydrogen use and easy maintenance keep your costs low. With NEXPAO process technology you can save money on production while expanding your market into new directions.
Optimized Technology
• Optimal for processing 1-decene to top quality synthetic base oil
• Fully proven technology with an excellent safety record
• Low reactor temperatures and pressure
• Easily controllable product distribution
• Excellent plant availability and track record
Economical Benefits
• Conventional catalysts for both oligomerization and saturation
• Attractive Capex and Opex due to the mild operation conditions and conventional materials
• Low hydrogen consumption, normally no need for separate hydrogen unit
Superior quality products
• Product portfolio applicable for high end uses in various automotive, industrial and aerospace applications
• The product is fully synthetic with extremely low volatility (excellent NOACK value)
• Superior stability (thermal and oxidative) product
• Viscosity index ultra-high with simultaneous outstanding low-temperature properties
Download our essential product information on NEXPAO Process technology for non-toxic and biodegradable high-grade synthetic base oils.
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