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A 60-year history of Neste Oil

A 60-year history of Neste Oil has been published in Finnish, entitled ‘Brezhnevin katoksessa ja muita juttuja Nesteestä’ (Brezhnev Comes to Visit and Other Stories about Neste). The book takes its title from one of a series of articles surveying the development of Neste, founded in 1948, into today’s Neste Oil.

The book has been written by the journalist Jukka Saastamoinen, who interviewed a cross-section of people that have played a part in the company’s development over the years, both inside and outside the company.

Key developments have been summarized by decade into ‘at a glance’ overviews that provide a quick review not only of the company, but also of the major international and national factors that have shaped the oil industry.

Jukka Saastamoinen has worked as a journalist since 1979, and has spent most of his career as a financial correspondent with Finland’s leading business daily, Kauppalehti. He was awarded an honorable mention in the Finnish Newspapers Association’s Best Newspaper Article of the Year Competition in 2006.

The book will be formally published at an event to be held at 11.00 CET at Hotel Kämp on Wednesday, January 9, and will be available at bookstores from then on.

The book features extensive coverage of events over recent decades, and complements Markku Kuisma’s ‘Kylmä sota, kuuma öljy’ (Cold War, Hot Oil), which covers the period between 1948 and 1979, and Pekka Vennonen’s histories of the Porvoo and Naantali refineries.

Neste Oil Corporation
Osmo Kammonen
Senior Vice President, Communications