Sustainability ·

Neste reaches Leadership level in CDP Climate Change assessment

Neste Corporation, Press Release, 23 January 2020 at 10 a.m. (EET)

Neste has achieved Leadership level and A- rating for its climate action by the non-profit Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP). The company has reached the Leadership level (A or A-) since the current assessment system was introduced in 2016. 

In the result released by CDP on 20 January 2020, Neste is among the selected few Nordic companies in the climate leadership level. The ‘A-’ rating is based on Neste's climate-related sustainability performance in 2018. CDP Climate Change focuses on assessing corporate measures to combat climate risks and how companies take advantage of the business opportunities offered by low-emission products and services. 

“We are pleased with our ranking in CDP's Climate Change program. Neste focuses on helping customers in the transport sector and cities, aviation, as well as polymers and chemicals industries to make their business more sustainable. It is encouraging to see that our long-term sustainability efforts in combating climate change and solid performance across different criteria are being recognized in rankings such as these”, says Peter Vanacker, President and CEO at Neste.

Neste has disclosed its climate change prevention measures for the past 13 years in CDP. For this ranking, CDP collected data from thousands of companies about their environmental impacts, risks and opportunities, for independent assessment against its scoring methodology. The purpose of the assessment is to recognize the role of enterprises in meeting the goals of international climate agreements.

Neste Corporation

Susanna Sieppi
Vice President, Communications (act.)

Read more:

2020 Global 100: Neste ranked as the world’s 3rd most sustainable company
Neste’s latest Annual and Sustainability Report is available at

More information: please contact Neste’s media service, tel. +358 50 458 5076 / (weekdays from 8.30 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. EET).

Neste in brief

Neste (NESTE, Nasdaq Helsinki) creates sustainable solutions for transport, business, and consumer needs. Our wide range of renewable products enable our customers to reduce climate emissions. We are the world's largest producer of renewable diesel refined from waste and residues, introducing renewable solutions also to the aviation and plastics industries. We are also a technologically advanced refiner of high-quality oil products. We want to be a reliable partner with widely valued expertise, research, and sustainable operations. In 2018, Neste's revenue stood at EUR 14.9 billion. In 2020, Neste placed 3rd on the Global 100 list of the most sustainable companies in the world. Read more:
