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NEXPINUS intelligent tall oil fractionation technology

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Crude tall oil (CTO), a side product from chemical pine pulping, is one answer to the growing demand for renewables. Using our innovative on purpose NEXPINUS process technology, comprising of integrated drying, depitching, and distillation solutions, will help you fully utilize this feedstock.

World’s leading licensed technology

World’s leading licensed technology for production of Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA), Tall Oil Rosin (TOR) and Crude Fatty Acid (CFA)

The NEXPINUS process has maximum separation efficiency and produces a wide range of high-quality crude tall oil grades that can be adjusted for further processing and their final use in end products such as soaps, alkydresins, adhesives, ink solvents, and fuels. 

Our design is based on accurate modeling of undesired chemical reactions and flow patterns, thereby predicting correctly the yield and purity of your output. Reliable modeling, proven engineering solutions, and built-in feedstock flexibility guarantee that your plant is operating as designed and anticipates superior quality products, high availability, and easy operability. When the operation of your production plant is reliable, you can focus on developing your customer base and researching new sources and uses for tall oil.

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Raw Material Flexibility

• Wide range of crude tall oil grades

• Raw material specific process solutions with flexible design

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Solid and Proven Design 

• Verified in-house process simulation model with own physical property data library of all relevant tall oil components

• End-to-end guaranteed and thoroughly proven performance

• Dedicated proprietary key equipment internals are based on rigorous CFD modeling to ensure smooth flow patterns

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Special Design Considerations

• Winterization solutions for hard climatic conditions ensure smooth continuous operation

• Solutions enable low residence times to ensure excellent product yields

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Innovative Design 

• Creative separation concepts are applied as feasible

• Proprietary deep vacuum distillation techniques applied

• Specific process know-how related to valuable neutral components as sterols and stilbenes involve patented solutions


Take the first step toward production of premium quality bioproducts - Download our essential product information on NEXPINUS Intelligent Tall Oil Fractionation Technology

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