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Human rights due diligence

A bus arrives at a bus stop where people are waiting.

Neste has made a commitment to respect human rights and engage in remediation of adverse human rights impacts throughout its business operations and value chains.

Neste demonstrates and meets this commitment by acting in accordance with:

Our Human Rights Principle describes Neste’s commitments and responsibilities with regards to embedding respect for human rights across our activities, value chains and business relationships.

Did you know?

In 2022 we conducted a thorough review and update of our Human Rights Principle, with input from internal and external stakeholders and expert groups. We encourage all of our employees and stakeholders to read our Human Rights Principle for more information on how we advance human rights due diligence, stakeholder engagement, access to effective remedy, human rights governance, training and capacity building, and additional topics.

Salient human rights issues

Our Human Rights Principle outlines seven priority areas for human rights at Neste – our salient issues:

  • Fair Employment

  • Health & Safety

  • Equity, Diversity & Non-Discrimination

  • Children & Young Workers

  • Modern Slavery

  • Fair Treatment

  • Economic, Social & Cultural Rights

We regularly analyze the saliency of our human rights impacts based on severity and likelihood. This enables us to actively monitor our progress in addressing our salient human rights issues, and to account for any new risks resulting from changes in our business. It also ensures that we accurately focus and prioritize our work to address human rights risks, and understand where there may be gaps in our mitigation actions. 

Access to remedy

We take seriously any allegations that human rights are not properly respected in our business or supply chains, and encourage individuals or communities who have reason to believe such activity is taking place to raise their concerns, without fear of retaliation, via Neste Ethics Online.

Advocating for mandatory human rights due diligence legislation

Neste welcomes the increasing momentum towards establishing mandatory human-rights due diligence at the EU level. In January 2021, Neste and 11 other companies in the Nordic Business Network for Human Rights developed and signed a joint statement in support of EU legislation on mandatory human rights due diligence, calling for maximum alignment with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).


File Name
Neste Human Rights PrinciplePDF177 kB
Modern Slavery Statement 2023PDF5.48 MB
Neste Supplier Code of ConductPDF190 kB
Neste Supplier Code of Conduct EnglishPDF14 MB
Joint statement in support of EU Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence legislation​PDF228 kB
Neste endorses WBCSD Call to Action on Human RightsPDF2.36 MB

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