Living wages

Neste has made a commitment to pay all of our employees a living wage, take action to promote living wages in our supply chains, and require strategic contractors and suppliers to pay their employees a living wage by 2030.
In 2024, Neste completed its annual internal living wage gap assessments covering all countries in Neste‘s global operations, using data provided by the Fair Wage Network. The analysis of the assessment results is ongoing, ensuring a thorough evaluation of diverse remuneration elements in all locations.
Since 2021, Neste has been a signatory to Unilever’s Partner with Purpose Living Wage/Living Income Promise.
Did you know?
A living wage is a basic human right. It is the income necessary for individuals or families to afford basic necessities and maintain a decent standard of living in a specific area, without relying on government assistance or experiencing financial hardship. It ensures that people can cover essential expenses like food, water, housing, education, healthcare, transportation and clothing, as well as modest savings for unexpected events and the ability to participate in social and cultural life. A living wage is typically higher than a minimum wage. This is because a living wage takes into account the cost of living in a specific area, and aims to provide economic security and dignity for workers.
Living wage in the supply chain
Since 2022, we have been using living wage data in our onboarding process and sustainability audits for renewable raw material suppliers, with the dual aim of gaining a better understanding of our supplier wage practices and raising awareness to build supplier knowledge on this topic. In 2024, we assessed the living wage practices of 11 renewable raw material suppliers.
We encourage suppliers and contractors to pay their employees a living wage as a best practice in our Supplier Code of Conduct Guide for Suppliers, and also emphasize this in related training and capacity building workshops for our suppliers, sub-suppliers and relevant employees at Neste.
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