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Sustainability due diligence

Raw material feedstock - Vegetable Oil | Neste

In addition to committing to Neste Supplier Code of Conduct, all our raw material suppliers are subject to additional sustainability due diligence.

Our raw material suppliers are assessed depending on supplier type, raw material and identified sustainability risks. The assessments may include country risk assessments, desktop reviews and sustainability audits. Knowing the origin of our raw materials is a fundamental supplier requirement. Where possible, our aim is to gain visibility throughout the entire raw material supply chain, including our suppliers’ suppliers.

Renewable raw material suppliers

We require all our renewable raw material suppliers to comply with Neste Supplier Code of Conduct and Neste Responsible Sourcing Principle

Our renewable products’ raw material suppliers are subject to rigorous sustainability due diligence with assessments depending on supplier type, raw material and identified sustainability risks.

Sustainability due diligence process for renewable raw material suppliers

The supplier sustainability approval is valid for 3 or 5 years, depending on e.g., country risk, raw material volumes supplied to Neste and the outcome of the sustainability review. Once the validity period expires, the supplier undergoes a new review.

In addition to understanding the sustainability performance of our direct suppliers, our aim is to gain visibility throughout the entire raw material supply chain, including our suppliers’ suppliers.

Certified supply chain

We ensure sustainability in our renewable fuel production chain through certifications like ISCC EU, ISCC Plus, RedCERT2 and national verification schemes. In the United States, our renewable fuel sustainability is approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

All Neste operated refineries hold ISCC certificates and they comply with EU RED and/or EPA requirements. However, not all raw materials need certification; instead, we can verify sustainability according to our policies, local legislation, and the destination country's regulations.

The certification systems specify what constitutes sustainable operations, what their criteria are, and how the management of the supply chain should be documented.

Certifications verify:

  • Greenhouse gas emission reduction covering the renewable product's entire life  cycle is calculated correctly

  • Traceability across the whole supply chain, from the source of raw materials to the final product

  • Products are produced through the implementation of sustainable agricultural practices, minimising adverse impacts on ecosystems, biodiversity, and soil quality.

  • Social and ethical aspects respected - comply with labor standards and human rights.

  • Products comply with relevant laws and regulations, including those related to environmental protection and land use

  • Compliance with waste and residue definitions, ensuring that no intentional waste or residue production, contamination, or modification has occurred.

Renewable raw materials - Algae oil | Neste

Raw materials

Read more about the renewable raw materials Neste uses

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Fossil raw material suppliers

As we are transforming from a traditional oil refiner into a provider of renewable and circular solutions, we continue to produce high-quality oil products from crude oil and condensates at our refinery in Porvoo, Finland.

Neste is purely a buyer of crude oil; we do not own shares in any company producing crude oil, nor are we engaged in oil exploration or drilling. Additionally, we do not purchase crude oil from Arctic sea areas, sanctioned countries or conflict areas. 

Due diligence for fossil raw material suppliers

We also conduct a sustainability review of all new suppliers based on publicly available information regarding topics outlined in the Neste Supplier Code of Conduct, suppliers’ climate and environmental commitments, and crude oil production-specific issues such as flaring and spills.

The sustainability review is renewed every three years for fossil raw material suppliers.

We purchase our crude oil and other fossil feedstock from the global market, mostly from Europe and North America. We are actively screening alternative sources globally in order to optimise our supplies, and follow enhanced risk management and sustainability assessment processes in case of purchases from higher risk countries and areas.

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