Mobility is changing
To tackle climate change, we need to change the way we move and accelerate the rate of change. We need a change of course from fossil to renewable. It is time to take charge of change.

What is Sustainable Mobility?
The term sustainable mobility goes far beyond reducing emissions. The transport sector has the potential to improve the lives and livelihoods of billions of people. However, as well as meeting people’s needs today, the sector must be ready to respond to future generations’ expectations: this is the essence of sustainable development.

Why renewable fuels?
Fossil fuels were first used to power transport in 1804 with the first steam-powered train journey. Over the past 200 years, fossil fuels have come to power the vast majority of transport on land, at sea and in the air.

What are renewable fuels?
The main difference between renewable fuels and fossil fuels is where they come from. Fossil fuels are made from non-renewable fossil resources and release the carbon from these fuels into the atmosphere. Renewable fuels are made from previously used materials (waste and residues) or from oil extracted from plants that can re-absorb CO2 from the air through photosynthesis.

EU policy
Transport is responsible for over a quarter of all GHG emissions in the European Union, of which road transport accounts for almost three quarters. To meet climate targets, we need to reduce emissions from transport. Now.

Data room
Transport is at the centre of many economic and social development challenges, accounting for about 64 per cent of global oil consumption, 27 per cent of all energy use, and 23 per cent of the world’s energy-related carbon dioxide emissions.6
Sustainable Mobility materials in different languages
A range of innovative mobility trends, including shared mobility, and providing affordable and sustainable mobility options for people, can help achieve global sustainability goals. In order to tackle the climate change, we need a new sustainable transport future based on renewables; renewable energy to produce electricity, hydrogen or e-fuels, or renewable raw materials to produce liquid or gaseous fuels.
This website and the videos can be found also in Swedish, Dutch, German and French. In addition, some videos have been translated in Italian, Spanish and Finnish, and you can access those by clicking the links below.
Italian, watch playlist
Spanish, watch playlist
Finnish, watch playlist
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