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Carbon footprint

Aerial image of green refinery pipes.

A carbon footprint is a measure of the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused by an individual, event, organization, service, place or product. It is typically measured as tons of CO2 equivalent (CO2e) per defined function or unit.

An organization’s carbon footprint refers to the GHG emissions caused over one year in its own operations, and often also across the value chain. Neste’s carbon footprint includes GHG emissions across the value chain, for example from Neste’s own production sites, logistics and sold products. 

Neste´s greenhouse gas emissions in 2023

Carbon neutral production by 2035

Our target is to reduce production (scopes 1 & 2) emissions by 50 by 2030 compared to 2019, and reach carbon neutral production by 2035. We believe that these commitments are in line with global climate ambitions and the Paris Agreement.

Towards carbon neutral production

We have already identified more than 100 different measures and actions to decrease GHG emissions in production. We have already made progress with the short-term actions on our production climate roadmap, such as increasing the share of renewable electricity.

In the medium term, the focus will be on continuous energy efficiency improvement and electrification measures. Many of these measures are in implementation planning, for example as part of the refinery turnarounds.

Longer term actions on our climate roadmap include scaling up new technologies and innovations. We currently focus on renewable hydrogen as hydrogen production is one of the main GHG emission sources in refining. We have completed the strategic study on transforming the Porvoo refinery into a leading renewable and circular solutions refining hub in the mid-2030. The Porvoo refinery transformation will significantly support actions to reduce GHG emissions across Neste’s scopes 1-3.

Read more about the different measures from our Sustainability Report.

Leading the transformation towards carbon neutral value chain by 2040

The most relevant scope 3 emission category for Neste is the use phase emissions of the products produced and sold by Neste. Our target is to reduce the use phase emission intensity of sold products by 50% by 2040 compared to 2020. To meet the target, we will further increase the share of renewable and circular products in our product portfolio. 

For other scope 3 areas, GHG emissions related to purchased goods, such as raw materials, purchased services, transportation and logistics are important topics for Neste’s value chain emissions. We continue to strengthen our capabilities across the organization and build our action plan for scope 3 together with our suppliers and partners.

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