Stakeholder engagement

We aim for continuous, active and open dialogue with our stakeholders and regularly seek external views on our operations.
We follow the business environment actively and engage with relevant stakeholder groups. Active engagement is essential throughout our value chain and in the collaboration with suppliers and non-governmental organizations. We believe in collaboration and want to be actively involved in developing a more sustainable future.
Our key stakeholders:
Our own personnel and management
Corporate customers and consumers
Analysts and shareholders
Policymakers, authorities and legislators
Suppliers of goods, raw materials and services
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), industry associations and cooperation bodies
Universities, think tanks and research organizations
Local communities
Read more about Neste's stakeholder engagement from the Annual Report 2024.
Neste’s Stakeholder Advisory Panel
The Stakeholder Advisory Panel has been established to promote discussion between Neste and its stakeholders on subjects such as the company’s operations, business development, and changes in its operating environment. The Advisory Panel includes representatives from members of the Parliament of Finland and Neste’s personnel.
Members of the Stakeholder Advisory Panel for the period 2023-27 are:
Jenni Pitko, member of parliament, (chair)
Saku Nikkanen, member of parliament
Jarmo Lindberg, member of parliament
Sheikki Laakso, member of parliament
Hanna Räsänen, member of parliament
Pia Lohikoski, member of parliament
Henrik Wickström, member of parliament
Tapio Luoma-Aho, special adviser
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