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Board Committees

The Board has established an Audit Committee, which has five members, and a Personnel and Remuneration Committee, which has four members. A quorum exists when more than two members, including the Chair, are present. All members are elected from amongst the members of the Board for a one-year term. The tasks and responsibilities of each committee are defined in their Charters, which are approved by the Board. The schedule and frequency of committee meetings are determined by the Chair and committee members. In addition, the Board of Directors can appoint committees as needed, for instance, for significant investment projects or other special tasks. Committees meet at least twice a year. Each committee reports regularly on its meetings to the Board. Reports include a summary of the matters addressed and the measures undertaken. Each committee conducts an annual self-evaluation of its performance and submits a report to the Board.

Audit Committee

Under its Charter, the Audit Committee shall consist of a minimum of three Board members that are independent of the Company and its subsidiaries and at least one of whom shall be independent of Neste’s major shareholders. Members are required to have sufficient knowledge of accounting practices, preparation of financial statements and statutory sustainability reporting as well as other qualifications that the Board deems necessary. The Audit Committee is permitted to use external consultants and experts when deemed necessary.

Starting from 27 March 2024, the Audit Committee comprises John Abbott, Conrad Keijzer and Just Jansz. Eeva Sipilä was the Chair of the Audit Committee until 13 February 2025. The Chair of the Board Matti Kähkönen performs the duties of the Chair of the Audit Committee until the new Board to be elected at the Annual General Meeting on 25 March 2025 has organized itself. Heikki Malinen was a member of the Audit Committee until 13 June 2024.

Personnel and Remuneration Committee

The Personnel and Remuneration Committee consists of the Chair of the Board and at least two non-executive members of the Board. Starting from 27 March 2024, the Personnel and Remuneration Committee comprises Johanna Söderström (Chair), Nick Elmslie, Pasi Laine and Sari Mannonen.

More information about the tasks and work of the Committee's can be found in the Corporate Governance Statement (pdf).


Charter for Audit Committee (pdf)

Charter for Personnel and Remuneration Committee (pdf)

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