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Neste as an investment

Neste is the world’s leading producer of sustainable aviation fuel and renewable diesel and developing chemical recycling to combat the plastic waste challenge.

Neste (NESTE, Nasdaq Helsinki) creates solutions for mitigating climate change and accelerating a shift to a circular economy. The company is the world’s leading producer of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and renewable diesel, enabling its customers to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

Neste refines waste, residues and other renewable raw materials to high-quality renewable fuels at its refineries located on three continents. The company’s annual renewable fuels production capacity will be increased to 6.8 million tons in 2027.

Neste has high standards for sustainability and the company has consistently been recognized by several leading sustainability indices.

In 2024, Neste's revenue stood at EUR 20.6 billion.

High-quality refining assets

Our complex refinery in Porvoo, Finland provides us a competitive advantage over many other refining companies.

Our renewable solutions are produced at the Porvoo, Rotterdam, and Singapore refineries, while diverse crude oil based products are refined in Porvoo. In addition, our plant in Sluiskil, the Netherlands, is specialized in pre-treatment of renewable raw materials for our renewable products refineries.

Globally sourced icon | Neste

Strategic targets

We aim to become a global leader in renewable and circular solutions.

Data icon | Neste

Favorable dividends

Neste’s target is to pay a competitive and over time growing dividend.

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Financial targets

  • Reach 15% Comparable return on average capital employed after tax (Comparable ROACE).

  • Maintain leverage below 40%.

Fact sheet

View and download Neste’s fact sheet

Disclosure policy

Neste’s Disclosure policy outlines the central principles and procedures followed by the company in communicating with the media, capital markets, and other stakeholders.

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