Internal Audit
Neste’s Internal Audit provides independent and objective assurance and advisory services designed to add value and improve the operations of Neste. As a component in the corporate governance process, it supports the organization by bringing a systematic approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of governance, risk management and control processes.
Internal Audit’s activities encompass objective examinations for the purpose of providing assessments to Neste’s Board’s Audit Committee and management of the adequacy and effectiveness of governance, risk management and control processes at Neste. The scope of Internal Audit assessments includes evaluating that risk management practices are in place, significant risks are appropriately identified and managed, key policies and guidelines exist and are documented and effectively implemented, organizational structures and governance models enable efficient decision making, the steering system, roles and responsibilities are clear, and the results of operations and programs are consistent with established goals and objectives.
Internal Audit work is carried out based on an annual Internal Audit Plan. Neste’s strategic priorities, key projects and identified risks are key elements in the audit planning process. The Vice President of Internal Audit reports periodically to the senior management and the Board Audit Committee Internal Audit’s activities relative to the annual plan, including audit recommendations and action plans established by organizations aiming for the continuous improvement and mitigation of risks.
Internal Audit is also responsible for conducting special assignments on behalf of management or the Board Audit Committee. As a member of Neste’s Investigation Group, the Vice President of Internal Audit participates in the investigation of suspected misconduct and breaches of Neste’s policies, principles, and applicable laws and regulations. To assure an effective, efficient and value-adding process, Internal Audit actively cooperates with other Neste’s assurance functions (Corporate Risk Management, Internal Control and Compliance) and senior management and shares best practices from a process and governance perspective.
Internal Audit follows the mandatory elements of the Institute of Internal Auditors’ International Professional Practices Framework, including the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing. Until 28 October 2024, the Internal Audit reported directly to the Board of Directors’ Audit Committee and administratively to the President and CEO. Following the appointment of a new Leadership Team on 28 October 2024, the Internal Audit reports directly to the Board of Directors’ Audit Committee and administratively to the CFO. The Board of Directors is responsible for approving the Internal Audit Charter and the annual Internal Audit Plan. The Internal Audit Charter includes the determination regarding the Internal Audit position, operational model, process and reporting lines. Internal Audit holds a non-executive meeting with the Audit Committee members and the Audit Committee Chair at least annually. The Vice President of Internal Audit is responsible for the internal audit activities specified in the Internal Audit Charter.
You can find more information on the internal audit from Neste Annual Report (pdf download).
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