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Shareholders’ Nomination Board

Following the proposal by the Board of Directors, the 2013 AGM decided to establish a permanent Shareholders’ Nomination Board to be responsible for drafting and presenting proposals covering the remuneration and number of members of the Company’s Board of Directors and for presenting candidates as potential Chair, Vice Chair and members at the Board to the AGM and to an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders where needed. The Shareholders’ Nomination Board shall also be responsible for identifying successors for existing Board members. 

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the Company’s three largest shareholders, who shall appoint one member each. The Chair of the Company’s Board of Directors acts as an expert to the Nomination Board. The Company’s largest shareholders entitled to elect members to the Shareholders’ Nomination Board shall be annually determined on the basis of the registered holdings in the Company’s list of shareholders held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. as of the first banking day in June in the year concerned. 

The Chair of the Company’s Board of Directors shall request each of the three largest shareholders established on this basis to nominate one member to the Shareholders’ Nomination Board. In the event that a shareholder does not wish to exercise his or her right to appoint a representative, the right shall pass to the next-largest shareholder who would not otherwise be entitled to appoint a member. 

The Chair of the Board of Directors shall convene the first meeting of the Shareholders’ Nomination Board, which will be responsible for electing a Chair from among its members; the Shareholders’ Nomination Board’s Chair shall be responsible for convening subsequent meetings. When the Shareholders’ Nomination Board has been selected, the Company will issue a release to this effect. 

The Shareholders’ Nomination Board shall serve until further notice, unless the AGM decides otherwise. Its members shall be elected annually and their term of office shall end when new members are elected to replace them. The Shareholders’ Nomination Board shall forward its proposals for the AGM to the Company’s Board of Directors annually by 31 January, prior to the holding of the AGM. Proposals intended for a possible Extraordinary General Meeting shall be forwarded to the Company’s Board of Directors in time for them to be included in the invitation to the meeting sent out to shareholders.

The process for electing the members and the Chair of the Shareholders' Nomination Board, as well as the composition and the duties of the Nomination Board have been specified, in more detail, in the Charter adopted for the Nomination Board.


Charter for the Shareholder's Nomination Board (pdf)

Shareholders' Nomination Board members

Here you can read more about Neste's Shareholders' Nomination Board members
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