Share capital
Neste’s total share capital registered with the Trade Register is EUR 40 million, divided into one class of 769,211,058 shares. The shares are included in the Finnish book-entry securities system. Each share entitles a shareholder to one vote at the Annual General Meeting.
Share capital history
Date | Shares outstanding | Share capital |
At the moment | 769,211,058 | MEUR 40 |
2005 - 4 April 2019 | 256,403,686 | MEUR 40 |
18 April 2005 | Neste Oil listed to NASDAQ OMX (Helsinki Stock Exchange) | MEUR 40 |
Share splits
A total of 512,807,372 new shares issued in the share issue without payment (so called split) decided upon in Neste Corporation’s Annual General Meeting on 2 April 2019 were entered in the trade register on 4 April 2019. The total number of Neste Corporation’s shares after the share issue without payment is 769,211,058 shares. New shares were issued to the shareholders without payment in proportion to their holdings so that 2 new shares were issued for each share.
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